Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Mini Library

I have this small little library in my room with all of my favorite or unread books.  And I am finally going to read them this year, I hope.. For English this year.  The first one is a book called: 
Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters

I really like the book so far.  

Also this year I'm going to challenge myself to read all of the books in my own library right at home.

Some of my favorites include:

Some of my little kid favorites are:

I have a lot of books that I need to read and finish.  Some of the books I showed you were books that I started to read but never finished and some I never attempted to read yet.  
I'm not the best reader.  I try to read but the language is hard for me to understand.

Peace, Love, Happiness

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bullying in my life!

Well bullying has always been in my life whether it's me the one getting bullied or seeing people get bullied around me.  I would call myself the get involved type or the by-standard type.  The fact would be that bullying is unnecessary and it causes anxiety/panic attacks and people won't go to school anymore cause the bully's are in control of everything.

Some of my stories:
1) when my brother's friend was being bullied on the bus and I stood up for him
2) I was being picked on, on the bus and then one day I decided to walk home to try and avoid this bully
3) I was in school and every day he would come over and shut my locker and pick on me
4) This guy in my school is bullied everyday and he doesn't understand that they are but sometimes I stand up for him when I see him being bullied
5) My best friend was being bullied and she told a teacher about it and the bully stopped

Don't bully!

I try to stand up for people that are bullied cause it is the right thing to do.

It's best to help someone rather than doing nothing.  How would you feel if your inaction to stop bullying resulted with finding out the victim hurt or killed themselves?  Would you regret not getting involved?

The smartest thing I did is told somebody if I was being bullied.  I got help for it and the people that bullied me stopped.  I was so thankful, for the teachers and my parents.

Took the power away from the bully.