Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Hello Peeps!! <3

Hope you are all feeling good.  I thought I would take a minute to talk about my experience with braces.  Around this time last year I got my braces off.  I was in fourth grade when I got the expander for the top of my mouth because it was small, and I had that on for about 2-3 years and then in 7th grade I got my official pair of braces.  Truthfully they hurt like hell.  All day for the 3 days, I ate ice cream to help the pain.  And it did help a lot!  The Orthodontist said to not chew gum and told me not to eat certain foods, but no one listens to them.  I only had one broken bracket in the time of having braces which is good.  I got the expander off when I already had my braces on for a year.  Whenever I got my braces tightened, it did hurt but not as much as it hurt when I got them on the first time.  Also in 7th grade I needed to remove 2 teeth because they needed more room and I didn't need them anyways.  When the braces finally came off, it was the best feeling, but it felt weird.  I kept moving my tongue across my new teeth.  I was so excited about it.  I still am because I won't have braces in my senior picture which I am so happy about. 

8th grade school photo
10th grade school photo
11th grade school photo
My two teeth that I had to get removed. 
I only showed the good photos so me with braces, all the other ones were horriblely bad.  I saw so many people on youtube doing this.  I thought I would blog about my experience.  It wasn't that bad. 
In the comments tell me one thing you like about your braces or if you don't have braces tell me if you would get them?
~*Nerdy and Beautiful Talks*~

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Blog Your Heart Out Tag!!

Hello Peeps! :)
I was recently tagged by Lauren to do this tag! Thank you Lauren so much! I love your blog!  Click here to check out her "Blog Your Heart Out Tag"


 Who/what encouraged you to start blogging?
I joined the world of blogging because I saw so many of my favorite YouTubers that do it.  Like Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Tanya Burr, and Fleur De Force.  And they look like they have fun blogging and youtubing.  I have others that I look at but those are the major ones, I look at. 

How did you choose what topics to blog about?
I honestly look at so many blogs on my Bloglovin account, I see what other people come up with and kind of use it if it were my own.  I look at multiple blogs and see what they come up with and it just amazes me.  I have definitely changed so much from blogging.  I love doing TAGS and stuff on blog.  I want to try and do DIY's more often. 
What is something most people don't know about you?
Most people don't know that I'm really loud and outgoing for the beginning but once I get to know you and you get to know me, I am the loudest person  you will ever know.  I love to laugh and making others laugh too.  I'd say I'm a pretty open book like Lauren. 
What three words describe your style?
Colorful, fun, and comfortable
What do you love doing when you are not blogging?
I'm usually outside doing something such as bike riding or playing games with family, watching T.V., shopping, on youtube, playing with my cat, and writing stories
 I tag:
 http://www.berrystylishofficial.com/ -- Lacey and Sierra

I of course tag everyone to do the tag!  Leave a comment and let me know of your blog so I can look at it.  Sorry I haven't been a good blogger lately but I have stuff on my mind and stress.  So I took a short break but I'm back.  Hope everyone had a great fourth of July and having a good summer so far.  :)
~*Nerdy, Beautiful, Unique Talks*~