Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nominated? Say what?

Thanks Awkwardgirlx for nominating me next for the Liebster Awards. 
Her blog is you should go check her blog out. 

 1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I was inspired by so many other blogs and youtubers.

2. Favorite movie?
I don't know.  I have so many favorite movies, I can't decide.  I love Disney, serious, sad and comedy movies.  I can't decide on one though. 

3.Favorite candy?
My favorite candy would have to be Butterscotch hard candy. Love it!!

4.What makes you Unique?
Everyone is unique, but I think my uniqueness is that I am Deaf and use sign language to communicate.

5. Who's your favorite person you can always talk to about anything?
I can talk with my mom about anything. 

6. Favorite subject in school?
Math by far, I love the equations and figuring out what x or y is.  Math fastinates me.  I am just learning to love English because I am taking a lot more English classes.

7. Favorite book and why?
My favorite book is Code Talker, because I like reading about war and stuff like that.  I just can't listen to my teacher teach it to me, its boring.  Anything with War in a book I'm all into it.  I like any style of book. 

8.Best Memory when you were little?
When I was little my mom had my brother and I go to Camp-Y-Noah, I had so much fun there, love everyone I met and all the field trips we went on.  Also I love going camping too. 

9. Best time in your life?
I'm still living my life, but one of the best moments in my life is going to E.Y.F. over the summer at R.I.T. and meeting a lot of new friends and experiencing what its like to live on campus. 

10. Favorite song at the Moment?
Dark Horse by Katy Perry and Juicy J

11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years I see myself in college studying what I love and enjoying life as it goes on. 

I nominate:
Lauren from
Zoe from
Alice from
Claire and Nic from
Niamh from
Emma from

Love all of your blogs! Here are the questions:

1) Why did you start blogging? 
2) What is your favorite beauty products? 
3) Who are your favorite blogs? 
4) How did you choose your title of your blog? 
5) If you had to do something out of your comfort zone what would it be? 
6) What is one makeup product you can't live without? 
7) What is your favorite blog post? 
8) Tea or Coffee? 
9) Candy or Chips? 
10) What is your favorite type of music? 
11)Where do you see your self in 5 years? 

Thank you for nominating me, I really appreciate it.  I spent a lot of time on this post to get it the way I liked so hope you enjoyed. 

~*Nerdy, Beautiful, and Unique talks*~

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