Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Hello Peeps!
I have been nominated to do this tag by an amazing blogger named Emily her blog is Pumpkin Emily Smiles.  Thank you for the nomination.  I have never heard or seen of this tag before.  So I am so excited to do it. 

The rules are:
1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site.
2. Post the awards logo on your blog.
3. Answer the 10 questions you been asked.
4. Nominate 10 bloggers.
5. Set 10 new questions for your nominees
Emily's Questions:
1. What's your favorite type of music?
My favorite type of music is Rock'n Roll, Pop, Rap, Hip Hop, and R&B
 2. If you could listen to one band or singer for the rest of your life, who would it be?
I like so many I can't pick one over the other. 
 3. What's your favorite song?
At the moment I really like the song Cool Kids by Echosmith!! And many of their other songs too. 
 4. What's your favorite TV show?
At the moment it would be My Cat From Hell and Tanked!! So good love them both!! :) :P
 5. If you could meet one band or singer, who would it be?
Michael Jackson, he was such an inspiration to so many people. 
 6. What's your favorite thing to do?
I love to go shopping, being on blog chat with everyone from the blogging world, and listening to music. 
 7. What's your favorite movie?
My favorite is always Cinderella, but at the moment I been really obsessed with Monte Carlo. 
 8. Have you been to any concerts? If so, who did you see at your first concert?
Yes, I have been to a lot of concerts.  My first concert that I remember was Drake Bell at the NYS Fair.
 9. What was your favorite class you took or currently taking in high school?
My favorite class in high school at the moment is Video Production.  I'm learning so much. 
 10. Do you like anime? If so, what is the name of your favorite anime?
I don't really like anime, but I like comics. 
My Questions:
1) Favorite App on your phone?
2)What is your favorite snack food?
3)What is your favorite season?
4)Book you would recommend?
5)Favorite animal?
6)What are you looking forward to in the future?
7)Do you plan to have a meet and greet some day?
8)Favorite board game?
9)Where do you think your blog will be in 5 years time?
10)What is your favorite movie?
I nominate:
Anna from Awkwardgirlx
Jess from Old Tricks
Emily from It's Emily Mango (my cousin)
Laura from Laura London
Hayley from Triumph and Charm
I know it's only 7 but that's all I look at on bloglovin right now.  And I nominate anyone else to do this tag too. 
~*Nerdy, Beautiful, Unique talks*~

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