Thursday, August 7, 2014

Liebster Award 3+4!!

Hello Peeps!!

 Wow this is my 3rd and 4th time getting nominated!! I thought I would combine the two I was given recently.  I got nominated by the lovely Little Miss Wallflower and Emily from Emily Rae Beauty.  The links to their blogs are on their names.  I want to thank you girls for the nomination. 
These questions are from Little Miss Wallflower...
1) What was your favorite post to write and was one of your most popular ones? 
My favorite post to write is my Adventure blogs or my My Life blogs.  My most viewed post was Another Liebster Award
2) Apart from blogging what are your hobbies? 
My hobbies are to hangout outside playing games, taking photos, shopping, and watching TV. 
3) Would you want to be a blogger for a living?
Yes, I would it is so much fun to do.   
4) McDonalds or Starbucks?
Starbucks I don't like McDonalds. 
5) Who are your favorite musicians and why?
I like a lot of bands.  So All American Rejects, Before You Exit, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and The Vamps.  I also like Hip-Hop and Rap and Rock 'n Roll.  I like that group of music because I like the beat. 
6) Describe yourself in one world. 
7) What is your favorite Disney film and any reason why?
Cinderella, Cinderella II Dreams Come True, and Cinderella III A Twist in Time.  I like them because Cinderella is so lucky. 
8) Do you read a lot?  What are your favorite book(s) if so? 
No I don't read a lot but I wish I did.  I do have a favorite book though, it's called Code Talkers. 
9) If weren't human, what animal would you be? 
I would be a Dolphin. 
10) If your house caught on fire, what 4 items would you save? 
I would save my photo albums, my cat, my journals, and my camera. 
11) Where would you rather be seaside, mountains, or countryside? 
I would want to live by the seaside or the countryside. 
These questions are from Emily Rae Beauty...
1) What's your holy grail product? 
My hair mouse from Aussie. 
2) What is your favorite color lipstick?
I don't own many lipsticks, but I would have to say like a reddish brown color. 
3) What do you enjoy the most about blogging? 
I like meeting new people or new blogs on Bloglovin.  It's fun. 
4) What type of blog post do you enjoy reading the most? 
I like DIY's, Makeup, and Adventure blogs the most. 
5) What do you think is the best kind of takeaway? 
I like the DIY's because they show me different ways to make use of the things just laying around in my house.  Makeup because I like recommendations people give.  I LOVE the Adventure blog post people do cause it inspires me to do them and I love the photos people take and edit. 
6) What do you think is the best high end makeup brand? 
I don't really own any high end makeup brands. 
7) Do you prefer Autumn or Winter?
8) Favorite fashion trend?
I don't know, I don't look at trends anymore.  I just make my own style. 
9) Favorite nail polish brand?
Funky Fingers
10) Something you want to achieve? 
I want to achieve a record of some kind. 
11) Favorite high street shop and why? 
I don't own any high street shop clothes. 
The rules they gave me were..
~You must answer all questions that are given to you
~Must link back to the person that nominated you
~Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
~Provide nominees with 11 questions of your choice
~Cannot nominate the person who nominated you
~Must inform nominees of your nomination
~Provide nominees with a link to your post for more info

Since I've done this four times now I am not going to nominate anyone, but I do nominate all of you to do it and leave a link in the comment to your blog so I can look at it. 
My questions for you all are...
1) What is your favorite social media? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Tumblr. 
2) If you had to choose between clothes or makeup for the rest of your life what would it be? 
3) Basketball or Football?
4) A book or a game board?
5) Shoes or Accessories?
6) If you could have a cat or a dog what would it be? 
7) If you had a choice to own a boat or a private jet what would it be? 
8) When you go to McDonalds what do you order?
9) What is your favorite type of candle?
10) A self tan or no tan at all?
11) In school when its hot outside and hot in the classroom or when it is cold outside and cold in the classroom? 
~*Nerdy, Beautiful, Unique Talks*~

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